LG French Door Bottom Freezer Stainless Refrigerator (Model LFD21860ST)
by Rich
(Buffalo, New York )
My LG French door bottom freezer refrigerator only is three years old and the display went out recently.
When the repair man contacted LG technicians, he was told that both the
display and main boards had to be replaced at the same time. The cost was $250.00 for parts and the labor was $130.00.
LG sent the wrong parts twice and the repairman made several trips to the house each time, he discovered that
the problem was a broken wire inside the door. But due to the design of the door he could not access the wiring harness to repair the break.
only way to fix the problem was to order a new door. We contacted LG to see if they would share in the cost of repairs, however LG refused to stand by their product because "it was out of warranty".
The new door and shipping
cost was $421. I have an LG flat screen television, microwave, dishwasher and this refrigerator.
This is the last LG appliance/product that I will purchase and will never again buy another LG product.
Like many others, I assumed that they made quality products and stood by the workmanship. This was apparently a very wrong assumption.
Buyer beware!Click here for more on LG refrigerators