Samsung Side by Side Refrigerator Model# rs267lbbp

by Mike
(Marysville,CA. USA)

My Samsung side by side refrigerator is less than 3 years old and the fridge doesn't cool below 55 degrees. The freezer section is fine.

I called to have it looked at and many service companies don't work on Samsung refridgerators. They said it's too hard to find parts and to get help from Samsung.

I will never buy another Samsung fridge again. All my food had to be thrown out along with service call that went no where because Samsung didn't bother to talk or call the service company back to help them solve the problem.

Comments for Samsung Side by Side Refrigerator Model# rs267lbbp

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Nov 18, 2010
Not happy with Samsung !
by: Anonymous

I have the same problem with the side by side Samsung refrigerator I bought at Costco about four years ago.

It has had the same issue about five times now!! You will suddenly notice the green temp light is flashing. In the past I have unplugged it for a few seconds then plugged it back in. This resets the controls and it went back to normal.

But last night it happened again THIS TIME IT WONT RESET! It is stuck at 60 deg.the freezer is normal. I have a feeling it has to do with the auto defrost!

I cant find the receipt, but I'm taking this poor excuse of a refrigerator back if possible~~I'll never buy a Samsung again!

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Aug 17, 2010
Our Samsung Side by Side (RS267LBBP) Keeps Food Fresh for Twice as Long!!
by: tatoodbear

I have read a lot of terrible reviews for this fridge.

We have just started to have a problem with the ice maker. It seems to be stuck on crushed...but this is a small price to pay for the quality we feel this fridge offers.

The freezer stays at a constant -6 degrees and the fridge at 34. It is just myself and my other half, and we have accolades for how well this fridge keeps food. Surprisingly often food keeps up to twice the time it is supposed to because of the low constant temp. Afterall that is why we bought it.

To me the "crushed" ice is a small price to pay.

I agree that this is not the fridge for a house with several kids that need ice all the time. It couldn't keep up with that, but for someone with no children we've found it's great.

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