What are the correct temperature settings (1 -7) for the fridge and freezer on a Jenn-air 2 door stainless

by Stan
(Caboolture Q'ld Australia)

Finding it difficult to get both operating efficiently

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Jan 18, 2024
Here are Optimal Temperature Settings for a Refrigerator
by: Phil

Hi Stan,

This is a common question. The optimal temperature settings for a Jenn-Air 2-door refrigerator can vary depending on the specific model and features of your appliance. But since I don't have a specific model number, here are the general recommended temperature settings for a typical refrigerator:

Refrigerator Compartment:

The refrigerator compartment should be set to a temperature between 34°F (1°C) and 40°F (4°C). This range helps keep perishable foods fresh without freezing them.

Freezer Compartment:

The freezer compartment should be set to a temperature between 0°F (-18°C) and 5°F (-15°C). This temperature range ensures that frozen foods remain solid and safe for consumption.

Dual Cooling Systems:

If your Jenn-Air refrigerator has dual cooling systems, you may have separate controls for the refrigerator and freezer compartments. Adjust each compartment's temperature independently based on the recommended ranges mentioned above.

Humidity Controls (Crisper Drawers):

Some Jenn-Air models come with humidity controls for crisper drawers. Adjust these controls according to the type of produce you store to optimize freshness.

For precise temperature settings and additional information, it's recommended to consult the user manual or documentation that came with your specific Jenn-Air refrigerator model.

If you don't have the manual, you can usually find it on the manufacturer's website or contact Jenn-Air customer support for assistance.

Hope this helps!

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