Why Does Closing My Refrigerator Door Cause The Freezer Door to Open on My Frigidare Top Freezer Refrigerator (Model #LGUI1849L)?

Can anyone tell me why my brand new, automatic defrost, top mounted freezer Frigidaire refrigerator (Model #LGUI1849L) opens the top freezer door when I close the bottom refrigerator door?

I really don't understand this. Is this a common problem or should I return it for a new one?

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Feb 19, 2025
my solution for stopping my freezer door popping open
by: Anonymous

so we have a brand new Frigidaire fridge with the same problem. we shut the fridge door and the freezer door slightly opens our solution was to put three pieces of Velcro on the freezer door, one piece on the door, one on the fridge itself and then a larger piece to close the door attaching to the 2 smaller pieces, it works pretty bad that my new fridge needs Velcro to stay shut

Dec 22, 2024
Airflow Issue NEW
by: Anonymous

It has almost nothing to do with the unit being perfectly level. When the fridge door closes, it pushes air into the fridge and into the airway between the fridge and freezer, which then puffs air in the freezer, pushing the door open. I'm trying - as others have suggested - putting heavy items on the door.

But I would like Frigidaire to fix the problem.

Meantime, I'm trying to figure out how to add a rare earth magnet to the freezer door. Just one of those suckers solve the problem, as long as it stays stuck to the fridge.

Aug 04, 2020
Yay! A quick fix! NEW
by: Adriana

Vaseline did the trick, thank you!

Sep 14, 2018
Freezer door pops open when you close the fridge. NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a GE that does the same thing. I ended putting a childproof latch on the freezer door. I am not pleased.

Dec 09, 2015
Popping freezer door
by: Anonymous

We have had the same problem since the first day we got our top freezer fridgidaire. Had a service man out while under warranty and he told us to put Vaseline on the gasket. Now yrs later still doing it until I put more Vaseline on it. The product sucks and the customer serive does too.

Jul 23, 2015
Freezer pops open
by: Anonymous

Mine too!
The instructions say the unit needs to be level,
but I had to tilt the refrigerator to ensure that the freezer door goes back closed.
I live with the problem but am not impressed that the manufacture let this go.

Jun 06, 2015
by: Hisham Younis

1- make the freezer door stick more the fridge:
Rub a thin layer of Vaseline on the freezer door seal.

2- tilt the fridge slightly to the back:
Insert a metal bar near the fridge's front right wheel or leg. Lift the bar to slightly lift the fridge so that you or your helper can insert a shim or small metal or wood plate under the wheel. Repeat for the front left wheel or leg.

Problem Gone :)

Dec 29, 2014
Freezer Door Pops Open
by: RDK

I have the same problem with the LG refrigerator. As one person mention, the best solution is adding heavy objects in the trays of the freezer door. I bought a couple of bricks and wrapped them with padding, put them in grocery bags and put them in the lower freezer door tray. Door still pops open a little bit when the lower door closes, but now the freezer door closes with a tight seal every time.

Dec 08, 2014
I paid for a service call because I couldn't figure out the problem.
by: Anonymous

When the service man came out, he said it was not leel. REALLY!!! Now it's actually NOT level, but the door does stay closed. And I actually had to PAY for his 'knowledge'.

Oct 09, 2014
Freezer door pops open ALL the time
by: Anonymous

No matter how careful we are the freezer pops open just a tiny bit. It drives us crazy! I assume it is a weak seal or improper design. We are going to adjust the feet so it is a bit higher in the front. Hope that works. Otherwise, wish we had never bought this unit.

Sep 04, 2014
problem fridge
by: Anonymous

My Frididaire does the same thing! No ice maker so its not that! It runs overtime because I just barely notice it - once I had a gap big enough to spoil the freeze and thaw!
Horrible fridge to MANAGE. and it takes CONSTANT observation and closing - Hey FRIGIDAIRE - How about a solution????!!!

Jul 21, 2011
Freezer Pops Open When Fridge Closes
by: Anonymous

I'm having the same problem. It opens the freezer so little that I don't notice.

This time it did it on my way out of town and then ran the entire time I was gone.

Expensive, premature wear and not good for the food. There doesn't seem to be an easy fix.

Jul 07, 2011
Frigidaire Refrigerator Door Problem
by: jac

We have the same Frigidaire refrigerator model with the same problem.

When the lower door is closed, the upper [freezer] door pops open, not much, just about 1/4 inch. Not enough to notice, but enough to let room air into the freezer compartment causing icing. The magnetic gasket does not seem to be powerful enough.

Frigidaire has not been helpful so far.

Click here for more on Frigidaire Refrigerators

Apr 17, 2011
Possible Answer to Door Problems
by: Spiraled

This is most likely due that air is allowed to pass from the freezer area into the refrigerator area.

  1. Both compartments, when closed, create a vacuum.
  2. When closing the refrigerator door after having been open, letting cold air escape has changed the air pressure.
  3. Then closing the door forces more pressure back into the freezer compartment.

I have seen this on a number of refrigerators. Most people just deal with it. It could be a weak seal around the freezer door, but on a new one, I would just suggest loading the freezer door area with heavier items.

Feb 25, 2011
Frost in the Freezer
by: Anonymous

I just bought the same model Frigidaire refrigerator and the freezer compartment is full of frost.

The door also opens when I close the refrigerator door.

This is the worst frige I have ever bought!!


Click here for more on Frigidaire Refrigerators

Sep 21, 2010
My GE Profile Does That Too
by: Tony

My 16yr old GE Profile does that too!! It's so annoying.

Though I think mine is because the door ice maker freezes over and leaves a big chuck of ice hanging down which makes the freezer door open easier on its own, when I close the lower door.

Click here for more on GE Profile Refrigerators

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