Energy Star Rebates

Get Paid to Buy an Energy Star Appliance

We were questioning about Energy Star Rebates and who qualifies for one so we did some research. Our first question was:

1. What are these appliance rebates and who is paying for them?

When the U.S. government decided to implement the American Recovery and Reinvestement Act they added what's called the Energy Star Rebate Package. The government has since allotted $300 million towards the purchases of Energy Star appliances.

The reason for this addition was in the hopes that all of the purchases of these new energy star appliances would help stimulate the economy and in turn create new jobs as well as decrease the amounts of energy and and water used in the average household.

Each state was allotted a certain amount of money and then required to file an application to receive it's portion of the monies by August 15, 2009. Then they need to follow it up by October 15 with a complete application laying out the details of how they plan to use and dispurse the monies they receive as well as how they plan on recycling appliances that will be discarded.

The states should receive the first 10% of their monies with the filing of the application and should get the rest by Nov. 30, 2009.

2. Which Energy Star Appliances are Covered by the Rebate?

The following is a list of all of the different types of appliances that the Energy Star Rebates cover:

  1. Energy Star Refrigerators and Energy Star Freezers: Due to the fact that your refrigerator and freezer are the only appliance that is constantly working all day long, this is really where you'll see the biggest energy savings all year round. Click here if you would like to the dozens of Energy Star Rated Refrigerator Reviews that we have already reviewed.

  2. Energy Star Air Conditioner: This covers both central air conditioning units as well as a room AC

  3. Energy Star Heat Pump, Energy Star Furnaces, and Energy Star Boiler: Any of these could be a real savings on your gas/electric bills in the winter.

  4. Energy Star Dishwashers and Energy Star Washing Machines: These units are both great examples of how you'll be able to save on both your water and electricity bill.

  5. Energy Star Water Heater: Quite a few of these are tankless water heaters because no tank meand no longer having to constantly reheat the water in your tank. Not only that, you'll never have to take a cold shower again!

Other Energy Star Related Articles

Energy Star Tax Credits: Learn how you can receive a tax credit for certain energy efficient home improvements.

Energy Star Refrigerators: Why not save money while saving the planet? We'll show you how much energy (and money) your current refrigerator is costing you.

Energy Star Refrigerator Reviews: You'll be happy to know that many different brands of refrigerators have taken this seriously and have come up with models that are very energy efficient. Take a look at the dozens of models we've already reviewed.

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If you want to see refrigerator reviews from others then scroll down to the bottom of the page but we need YOUR opinions and experiences, too! This way you can help and be helped.

Here's a few things to tell us:

  1. What brand (Amana, Whirlpool, etc.)and model number is your refrigerator?
  2. What style is it (e.g. french door, side by side, etc.)?
  3. How long have you had it?
  4. Why do you love or hate it?
  5. Was it reliable?
  6. Would you recommend it?
  7. Anything else YOU THINK we should know!
  8. And please SUBMIT PICTURES so that we can see what you LOVE or HATE about it!!

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